Hydrogen solutions for climate change

Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.       Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.      Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.      Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.      

Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.       Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.      Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.      Developing projects for the generation and consumption of Hydrogen, to mitigate the environmental impact of greenhouse gases originated from fossil fuels.      

SVI Energy is a company that produces and supplies green hydrogen through the development and integration of projects with vanguard technologies.

We mitigate global warming through the development and integration of hydrogen projects, fueling efficient solutions in the mobility and industrial sector worldwide.

SVI Energy produces green hydrogen from the electrolysis process of water and renewable energy. For every ton of green hydrogen that is produced and consumed as fuel by the mobility sector; SVI Energy displaces 26.8 Tons of CO2, the main cause of global warming.

Source: California Air Resource Board – LCFS Annual Carbon Displacement

Learn more about our solutions:

The reliable option to build high performance hydrogen assets

SVI Energy focuses on the development and integration of hydrogen projects, fueling efficient solutions to mitigate the climate change through the entire value chain of Hydrogen, including production and distribution associated to the mobility and industrial sector.
SVI Energy based on its technical experience and background, selects the cutting-edge technology for the development and execution of hydrogen production plants to feed its client portfolio, securing a reliable operation and maximizing the return to its investors.
SVI Energy is promoting energy transition projects, securing Green Hydrogen Supply in USA, Canada, Europe, Japan and Middle East, attracting venture capital firms to participate in projects with high returns on equity, as well as stable and recurrent cashflows.